Why am I Transhuman?
I am transhuman because it expands my perception, allowing me to go beyond the current boundaries of reality to do my best to resist the entropy of the universe.
Elliot is the founder of Spira, a company that grows delicious microalgae as an ingredient for food companies. Spira has received awards from RebelBio, Lighthouse Labs, the World Food Programme, Halcyon Incubator, BeGreen, CommBeBiz, and NSF. He has presented at SXSW, Synbiobeta and Thought for Food. Elliot is a Kairos Fellow, a Seasteading Ambassador, and sits on the Virginia Governor’s Council for Youth Entrepreneurship. Before Spira, Elliot obtained a degree in biomedical engineering; he trained at the Stanford d. School, studied synthetic biology for 10 years and worked for 5 years as a product consultant. He previously founded 6 failed startups and 2 successful nonprofits including a community science laboratory and raised over $1,000,000 for various startups. He is motivated to solve physiological needs using simple biological design. In his spare time, he plays music, builds hydrogen airships, and is working on a side project to enable access to healthcare on the open ocean.
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