Dirk Bruere

Why IAmTranshuman (ist)? Let’s begin with (almost) the most basic definition of Transhumanism, from Max More, circa 1990: “Transhumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting…

Gabriel Vázquez Torres

A thinker, futurist, transhumanist and entrepreneur in a dot of dust in his universe. He was born on Earth, specifically in Spain. He studied Computer Science at the University of Seville. When he was a child, he started to be interested in different branches of knowledge. From fiction science, philosophy, maths, physics, neuroscience, psychology, human…

Anders Sandberg

Anders Sandberg is a senior research fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford. His research at FHI centers on management of low-probability high-impact risks, estimating the capabilities of future technologies, the ethics of human enhancement, and very long-range futures. He is also a senior research fellow at the Oxford Martin…

Didier Coeurnelle

Why are you transhuman (ist)? I am a transhumanist because I want to be part of a a possible future where women and men could live much longer (if they wish so). They could have a better health, perhaps one day without aging (mortality). Having sustainable bodies will allow us more time to love each…

Aubrey de Grey

Why are you transhuman (ist)? I’d like to divide my answer into two, answering “Why do you have transhumanist values?” and “Why do you call yourself a transhumanist?”. To the former, my answer is: because I recognize that pioneering technologies have a unique capacity to enhance people’s quality of life, and I think suffering (i.e….


Khannea made transhumanist statements hosting cyberpunk themed roleplaying games in the 1980s. Pretty early in the 1990s she absorbed and espoused the whole gamut of core values of transhumanism – genetic manipulation, interfaces, cybernetics, space industrialization, AI, 3D printing, nootropics – but in the late 1990s she figured out that all this had a name….

M. Amon Twyman

Dr. M. Amon Twyman believes that humanity is approaching a brief period of deep transition; a Technological Singularity, as discussed by Transhumanists. Amon has considered himself a Transhumanist since 1994, and approaches questions of technology & society via cognitive science, philosophy, and art. He is a founder of multiple Transhumanist groups, including Zero State, the…

Marc Roux

Why are you Transhuman(ist)? First of all, I am transhuman because I am human. I came to transhumanism is a bit peculiar. Indeed, like almost no transhumanist, I am a historian by training; a medieval historian; even stranger: a Byzantinologist (What’s that?). As bizarre as it may sound, it’s my doctoral studies and my interest…

Anthony Fucilla

Why are you transhuman (ist)? With regard to ‘Why,’ As technology continues to advance, it’s an automatic progression in the evolution of man. Science and technology can eradicate a vast array of problems like disease, thus promoting human longevity and so forth! Born in London England. He is a philosopher and Science-Fiction writer, author of…

David Pearce

Why are you Transhuman (ist)? I am a transhumanist because I want to replace the pain and suffering of Darwinian life with a civilization of superintelligence, super longevity, and super happiness. In 1995, I wrote a manifesto, The Hedonistic Imperative, which advocates using biotechnology to end suffering throughout the living world, and the creation of…

Giulio Prisco

A transhumanist since joining the Extropians mailing list in the late 90s. He proposed a religious interpretation of transhumanism and a transhumanist interpretation of religion. He is a member of the Christian and Mormon Transhumanist Associations. I am persuaded that future humans will use science and technology to become God-like and realize all the promises…

Kate Levchuk

A Futuristic Author and Speaker as well as an Advocate of Transhumanism. She is a Founder of Transpire publishing platform and contributed a chapter in Springer Nature Transhumanist Handbook. Currently, Kate is working on a new Transhumanist book as well as a Sci-Fi Novel. Kate is passionate about an infinite human potential and the role…

David Wood

One of the pioneers of the smartphone industry. He is now a futurist activist, consultant, speaker, and writer. As Chair of London Futurists, David has organized over 200 public meetings since March 2008 on futurist, transhumanist, technoprogressive, and singularitarian topics. Membership of London Futurists now approaches 8,000. As Executive Director of the transhumanist think tank Transpolitica, David…