All proceeds go to the IAmTranshuman grant program to sponsor Transhumanist projects and cover the cost of this site. These are the best products from Transhumanists on IAmTranshuman. WARNING: Any use of any of these products is at your own risk. Check Out More Transhumanist Books [ here ] Check Out More Nootropics and Anti…
Tag: Transhumanism
The IAmTranshuman Blog
(Seattle) The IAmTranshuman blog is generated by the staff of but focused on general transhumanism. Topics are focused on ‘news’, ‘projects’, ‘Resources’ and general transhumanism, setting aside controversial topics best left to other sites and blogs. For example, the new IAmTranshuman blog might carry new material about the Transpire Project or Hpluspedia but not…
Transhuman Project: Transpire
(London) is a Transhuman blog and project site focused on helping get projects started and moving. The project is run by Kate Levchuk and started in 2019. The thinking is that with help these projects that others submit can get some of the help they need. From the site: Transpire is a Hub of…
Release of the IAmTranshuman Media Kit
The IAmTranshuman Media Kit are assets that make it easier for someone to make videos or other material related to the IAmTranshuman campaign and resources to learn more about IAmTranshuman General. If you make something or do a post or otherwise use #IAmTranshuman we would love to see it and post on our social media….
Transhumanist Declaration
Humanity stands to be profoundly affected by science and technology in the future. We envision the possibility of broadening human potential by overcoming aging, cognitive shortcomings, involuntary suffering, and our confinement to planet Earth. We believe that humanity’s potential is still mostly unrealized. There are possible scenarios that lead to wonderful and exceedingly worthwhile enhanced…
What is #IAmTranshuman About?
#IAmTranshuman is designed to be a unique experience of communicating who you are as a transhumanist, focused on humanizing transhumanism. Tell us your story. We strive to negate the outmoded paradigm of deleterious binary organizations while humanizing transhumanism. We want to show the variety of Transhumans and the reasons they identify as such. In many…