Why are you transhuman (ist)?
I am a Transhumanist because it gives me hope about humanity’s potential for greatness. I also believe that absolute agency over one’s individual evolution and senescence is not just a human virtue, but also a human right and responsibility. Officially declaring aging a disease, or a medical condition, as transhumanists are trying to do, is the first step towards the democratization of regenerative technologies and means to achieve extraordinarily high levels of intelligence, wisdom, empathy, and indefinite youthful lives.
Dinorah Delfin is a New York-based conceptual, multimedia artist, an activist, a transhumanist, a deep thinker, and a writer interested in the scientific truths of spiritual concepts, and the ethical implications of man-made intelligence and humans’ self-directed evolution. Ms. Delfin is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Immortalists Magazine and its hosting platform www.TheImmortalistsClub.com.
She is also the founder and owner of ArtDimensional Studios, a platform for the multi-media expressions of transformative arts. She is an Executive Advisor of the Transdisciplinary Agora For Future Discussions (TAFFD’s) and Editorial Advisor for Springer’s Transhumanism International Book Series. She is also the founder and administrator of the New York Transhumanist Party.
Ms. Delfin graduated Cum Laude in Entrepreneurship Management, with an English Minor. She was recently featured in The Transhumanism Handbook (2019), published by Springer International and has given presentations on the subject of transformative arts and transhumanism at New York University’s Posthuman Summit, and at the University of Rwanda’s International Conference of Techno-Scientific Awareness.
Related Web Properties:
- https://www.instagram.com/artist_dinorah_delfin/
- https://www.facebook.com/pg/ImmortalistsMagazine/
- https://www.theimmortalistsclub.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/dinorahdelfin
#IAmTranshuman (ist)
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