(Seattle) The IAmTranshuman blog is generated by the staff of Transhumanity.net but focused on general transhumanism. Topics are focused on ‘news’, ‘projects’, ‘Resources’ and general transhumanism, setting aside controversial topics best left to other sites and blogs. For example, the new IAmTranshuman blog might carry new material about the Transpire Project or Hpluspedia but not…
Tag: Transhumanity.net
The End of the Transhuman House 2.0
(Provo) The story of the Transhuman House goes back a number of years. Starting with the Foundation looking at a location in Seattle. This location was a good quarter acre with about 2500 square foot 4 bedroom house with a two-car garage. This didn’t initially pan out due to the cost overhead and not getting…
M. Amon Twyman
Dr. M. Amon Twyman believes that humanity is approaching a brief period of deep transition; a Technological Singularity, as discussed by Transhumanists. Amon has considered himself a Transhumanist since 1994, and approaches questions of technology & society via cognitive science, philosophy, and art. He is a founder of multiple Transhumanist groups, including Zero State, the…
David J Kelley
Why IAmTranshuman (ist)? “I am ‘Transhuman’ in part because it is part of the only hope I think we have as a species. It is only through helping each other and give as many as possible the tools to move forward that we will survive in the long run. It is literally for my children…
What is #IAmTranshuman About?
#IAmTranshuman is designed to be a unique experience of communicating who you are as a transhumanist, focused on humanizing transhumanism. Tell us your story. We strive to negate the outmoded paradigm of deleterious binary organizations while humanizing transhumanism. We want to show the variety of Transhumans and the reasons they identify as such. In many…