The recent introduction of new technologies to various sporting fields has had a profound effect on these games. Records are being broken across the board as with the support of these tools the physical capacity of an athlete is given an edge that was before impossible. This isn’t about any kind of chemical though. Those…
Month: May 2020
The IAmTranshuman Blog
(Seattle) The IAmTranshuman blog is generated by the staff of but focused on general transhumanism. Topics are focused on ‘news’, ‘projects’, ‘Resources’ and general transhumanism, setting aside controversial topics best left to other sites and blogs. For example, the new IAmTranshuman blog might carry new material about the Transpire Project or Hpluspedia but not…
Transhumanist Sensible Action Re COVID-19
From Dr. Natasha’s blog in this time of Pandemic: Use Reliable Sources: Listen to the authorities in your country and their guidelines. Review updates at the World Health Organization and Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. Be informed about quantified data (Total Confirmed and Total Recovered cases). Attend the COVID-19 The State & future of Pandemics virtual event where Humanity+ Board…
The Immortalists Club
(New Your, NY) A recent new transhumanist project started by Dinorah Delfin is the new online magazine called Immortalists Magazine by The Immortalist Club is already on its third publication. This particular project is a much needed monthly subscription magazine that happens to be free. This is the kind of project that will give the…
The Transhuman House Version 3.0
As many of you know about the Transhuman House we had open for 3 years in Provo Utah. For the first year, I curated the location and for most of 1.5 years, Matthew Lehmitz curated the location and another supporter named Bill. Alas back in November, it was closed due to not hitting financial targets….
Amanda Stoel
Why are you transhuman (ist)? I am (a) transhuman(ist), I sometimes jokingly say I was born a transhumanist, I just wasn’t aware of the label until later in my life. I believe that science and technology are our future. And not something that works against (our) nature but with. From the moment we picked up…
Transhuman Project: Transpire
(London) is a Transhuman blog and project site focused on helping get projects started and moving. The project is run by Kate Levchuk and started in 2019. The thinking is that with help these projects that others submit can get some of the help they need. From the site: Transpire is a Hub of…
Making way for better competition through science.
The recent introduction of new technologies to various sporting fields has had a profound effect on these games. Records are being broken across the board as with the support of these tools the physical capacity of an athlete is given an edge that was before impossible. This is not about any kind of chemical though….